How to Host Jekyll Blogs on Github Pages Using Travis
If you’re reading this blog I’m assuming that you’re already familiar with Jekyll and looking for a way to automate the process of hosting your blog online.
What are we going to do?
We’re using a third party app called Travis CI
to automatically publish our blog to the github pages
Travis CI
As specified in the name ‘CI’ stands for Continous Integration
. It is a hosted continous integration service used to build and test software projects. Also, it’s Free ;)
Github Pages
GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website.
How will the whole thing work?
After linking the github with Travis, it will automatically determine the public repos with a .travis.yml
file and executes the file. When there is a change in the repository(like a new commit), the whole build process is triggered. So everytime we make changes to our blog, travis sees the changes and builds a new version of the website.
The part of the process is to automate the pushing of the website to the github repo. For this we need a way for Travis to access and commit to the github repository. This can be done with a personal access token (PAT) on Github. We provide Travis with the PAT and now it can push back to the Git repo.
So now we need to tell Travis to setup the ruby environment, build the blog and push the code back to the git repo.
Follow the steps below to add automation to your Jekyll blog
1. Create an branch site
and set it as defualt branch on Github. (GH docs)
2. Create a .travis.yml
file in your root directory with the following data.
// travis.yml
language: ruby
- 2.6.5
- chmod +x scripts/ # makes the scripts executable
- chmod +x scripts/ # makes the scripts executable
script: scripts/
# branch whitelist
- site # test the gh-pages branch
skip_cleanup: true
provider: script
script: scripts/
branch: site
In the config above we did the following
- Setup a ruby environment.
- Set the script’s permission to be executable.
- Only work when pushed to the branch
- At the time of deploying use a script instead of the default way to deploy and provided the script’s path.
3. Create a folder scripts
in your root directory with the two scripts file
jekyll build
This script bacially just builds the jekyll blog.
if [[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH == 'site' ]] ; then
cd _site
git init
git config "Travis CI"
git config "[email protected]"
git add .
git commit -m "Deploy"
# We redirect any output to
# /dev/null to hide any sensitive credential data that might otherwise be exposed.
git push --force --quiet "https://${GH_TOKEN}{GITHUB_USERNAME}/{GITHUB_REPO_NAME}.git" master:master > /dev/null 2>&1
echo 'Invalid branch. You can only deploy from site.'
exit 1
with your repo’s details.
This script does the following
- First it checks if the branch used is
. - With the build script above the site is built in
folder. - It initialises the
as a git repo, sets the git configs. - It uses the
env variable which we need to setup in the Travis(Step 4). See PAT - To make sure that we don’t print the access token we make the output to ` /dev/null 2>&1`. It will bascially hide the output.
4. Now you need to create a new personal access token on the githubRefer to GH docs
5. In the Travis go to your repository and create a new enviornment variable with name GH_TOKEN
and set the value to the token you just generated.
6. Set the gh-pages publishing branch to the master. Refer to this guide here
At this point, if you create a new commit to your repo, it should trigger a new build on Travis and after a few minutes you should be able to view your blog online.
Let me know in the comments if you face any difficulty while following this guide.